Lower your taxable income
Use your pre-tax salary to pay for vehicle running costs.
Save on the purchase price of your vehicle
No GST payable on the Purchase cost of your new car.
Added peace of mind
Options for extra Insurance covers.
Have every local dealer fighting for your business
Eziway’s Dealer network bids for your business.
Track multiple quotes online
Ezidrive makes it easy to accept and manage your lease quotes.
Your calls are answered in seconds
No more being kept on hold for hours.
You return to the same familiar phone consultants
Each organisation is assigned a dedicated team of Client Service Officers.
Your claims and amendments are processed on the same day
Gone are the days of waiting multiple pay cycles, everything will be ready within 24 to 48 Hours!
You have the sector’s leading technology at your fingertips
Live budget balances, online claims processed easily from the palm of your hand.
Our experts will come to you
We are where you want us, when you want us, both locally and nationally